Attachment Download will save you a tremendous amount of time each day. Instead of downloading job attachments one at a time, Attachment Download will download all of them at once. From a few files to hundreds, Attachment Download can handle any size job.
Getting Started
1. Activate the add-on in the add-on marketplace.
2. Visit to update your profile, including an alternate email address.
3. Simply click in the Attachment Download icon inside a job.
4. You'll receive an email with a link to download the zip file. Alternatively, you can upload to Dropbox or Google Drive.
Q: I can't remember my password. How do I reset it?
A: Visit this link to reset your password -
Q: My files are taking a while to get to my inbox. What gives?
A: We using a queuing system to process files. Sometimes there are large jobs. It can take some time to get them. Earlier in the week takes longer than later in the week.